
💡 The Lightbulb

💡 Follow the sound of the river


The service design phase never really ends, and that’s not a bad thing.


So let’s say you’ve done your soul searching, identifying who you want to help.

Held discovery conversations to understand their pain points.

Designed a signature solution that leverages your unique POV and skills.

Taken that solution out on a listening tour for feedback.

Revised it, priced it, extrapolated a revenue plan.

And finally, finally, raised the curtain.


Only to find the market reaction to be…tepid.

Not exactly crickets, a trickle of warm conversions.

But no showstopper either.

And certainly not the waitlist you’d imagined.


But there’s some hope.

You’re still attracting conversations.

Each person you talk to about your expertise and offering gives you an additional piece of information, whether directly or not.

They articulate their situation in a way that further validates the problem.

And if you listen closely, with every ‘not right now’ they’re actually telling you what they do want.

Repeated themes from multiple voices.


You realize the barrier to buy isn’t coming from them.

It’s coming from the steep walls you’ve put around how to work with you.


And then you remember, you’re still in control.

The clay hasn’t set forever. In fact, it never will.

You can follow the sound of the river.

Change your offer.

Stay true to your purpose.

But also give the people what they want.



P.S. - If you couldn’t tell from that…change is coming!

This week, I’ll be unveiling a redesigned slate of 1:1 coaching services based on the generous feedback of my clients and many other readers of this list.

The redesign is meant to provide options more tailored to where you are on your journey and your preferred vibe for support.

As a thank you, I’ll be opening the new offerings exclusively to Lightbulb subscribers for one week before announcing them publicly.

A few slots will be available for a near-immediate start, with the remainder to begin in early Q1.

More to come...

💡 The Lightbulb

A daily email about monetizing your corporate expertise. Give me ~1 minute a day, and I'll help you turn what you know into your most differentiated and lucrative asset.

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