
💡 The Lightbulb

💡 Reinvest your time for max return

So, your efficiency netted you a time dividend.

And now you’re wondering:

Do I pocket my time ‘winnings’ in the form of ETO (earned time off)...

…or invest the time back into my business?

If I invest the time back into my business, what should I focus on?

For reinvestment, there are three typical buckets - C-P-A:

  • Capacity - Take on more client work
  • Pipeline - Nuture the future flow of business
  • Accelerants - Invest in yourself, product, and processes

Without a game plan, you might dabble across all three depending on what’s in your orbit.

E.g. “I have some spare capacity at the end of the month, I’ll see if I can sell it.”

But it’s important to be intentional about where you focus and what you’re after.

A one-off additional revenue bump might feel great in the moment, but are there better returns for that precious time?

One lens to help gauge is asking yourself: how urgently do I need additional revenue?

  • If you’re behind on your quarterly revenue goals, it may make sense to take on that extra client.
  • If you’re set revenue-wise for now, but concerned about the next 1-2 quarters, you could shift your focus to more pipeline development, on top of your normal biz dev activities.
  • But even more compelling might be to use that time to invest in yourself and your product.

Dedicating time to accelerants such as new thought leadership, a proprietary methodology, or installing automation into your existing processes might seem like a chore…

But they can spark creativity and innovation in your business that build long-term strategic advantage:

  • A novel framework derived from your recent client work can net you invitations to podcasts and conference stages which boost your authority
  • A codified methodology could smooth your lead gen and sales conversations, as well as streamlining client delivery itself
  • A custom AI copilot for yourself or your clients could help boost your overall profit margin (and further increase your time dividend!)

Accelerants like these have a compounded return over a prolonged return horizon, often making them a more optimal use of your time than a one-off revenue bump.

So, to recap:

  • First, take the time off that you’ve earned. You deserve it, and no one is here to stop you.
  • Then, use C-P-A to find the highest-return activities for any reinvested time, keeping in mind the compounding effect of long-term investments



P.S. Want to kick around ideas about unique accelerants for your business?
Book a free 30-minute call with me. No sales.

💡 The Lightbulb

A daily email about monetizing your corporate expertise. Give me ~1 minute a day, and I'll help you turn what you know into your most differentiated and lucrative asset.

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