
💡 The Lightbulb

💡 Eureka moment or shiny object?

One of the symptoms of a soloist’s echo chamber is what you may have heard of as ‘bright shiny object syndrome.’


We spend days, weeks, months even, moving through spikes and valleys of creativity trying to crack the case on how to leverage our expertise to help others, and make a living doing so.


So, when a novel idea comes to you in the middle of the night…

Or a podcast episode triggers you to rethink your niche or ideal client profile (ICP)…

Or someone comes to you with an almost too-good-to-be-true service offering (I’m still looking at you, robo lead gen-ers!)…


…it can be an exciting turn of events that makes you want to shout ‘Eureka!’ and dart off in a new direction.


Now, being imaginative is an entrepreneurial prerequisite.

And yes, creative breakthroughs are wonderful.

And yes, agility is one of many benefits of being out on your own.


But the reality is, your success will be the product of many different factors.

The combination of turning a lot of different knobs, rather than finding and flipping the one right switch.

And without some sounding board in place, it can be hard to discern on your own between a true gem that should alter your trajectory, and a false alarm that can drive you off course.




P.S. In case you missed it, a sneak peek of my new slate of coaching services is now live, exclusively for Lightbulb subscribers.
Check out the redesigned options before they're announced publicly next week, and let's chat if you're interested.

💡 The Lightbulb

A daily email about monetizing your corporate expertise. Give me ~1 minute a day, and I'll help you turn what you know into your most differentiated and lucrative asset.

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